Company History


  • Nov. Obtained the 15th Platinum Award of Electronics Manufacturing Industry by TCSA.
  • Sep. Ranked #2 among Mittelstand companies in Corporate Social Responsibility by Common Wealth Magazine.
  • May. Obtained OTC top 5% by the 8th Corporate Governance Evaluation.
  • Mar. Received Green Factory label by the Industrial Development Bureau.
  • Jan. Received the user license for the 3rd plant building.


  • Nov. Obtained the 14th Golden Award of Electronics Manufacturing Industry by TCSA.
  • Nov. Received Silver Grade in the National Enterprise Environment Protection Award.
  • Oct. Obtained Diamond Grade in the Green Building Certificate of Plant 1.
  • Sep. Ranked #8 among Mittelstand companies in Corporate Social Responsibility by Common Wealth Magazine.
  • May. Obtained OTC top 5% by the 7th Corporate Governance Evaluation.